
A paint primer (or undercoat) is a product used to prepare a surface before applying the finishing paint. It plays an essential role in improving the adhesion of the paint, creating a uniform base and protecting the underlying material. The primer is essential to ensure a clean, uniform and durable painting result, especially on difficult or damaged surfaces.

Here are its main characteristics:

Adhesion: The primer allows the paint to adhere better to the surface, whether it is wood, metal, plastic or plaster. It also prevents the paint from flaking.

Sealer: It seals porous surfaces, such as raw wood or plaster, preventing excessive absorption of the paint that could lead to irregularities.

Protection: The primer protects materials sensitive to corrosion, humidity or chemicals, prolonging the durability of the finishing coat.

Stain Blocker: Helps block stains (rust, moisture, wood tannins) and prevents them from reappearing through the paint.

Uniforming: Creates a smooth, even surface, hiding small imperfections and ensuring a more even application of the final paint.

Color Enhancer: The primer improves the coverage and shine of the finish paint, especially when applying bright or light shades over dark colors.

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